Friday, October 15, 2010

"His Name is 'Dick'"

Before I start my analysis of this blog, I would like to begin with talking about the author, Ann Coulter. Coulter is definitely Conservative, but regardless of her political ideology, I find her witty and extremely entertaining to listen to. Coulter is extremely well-informed and in 2001 was named one of the top 100 Public Intellectuals. She has been extremely involved in governent, especially the judicial side of it. She has written seven books that have all been New York Times bestsellers. Coulter is an accomplished woman and a very credible source.

The blog entry I read was "His Name is 'Dick'" where she argues against the electing of Richard Blumenthal to the U.S. Senate in Connecticut. Coulter's intended audience is obviously her fellow Conservatives but also other groups of people from many different points of view. Currently, Blumenthal is Connecticut's Attorney General and he's showed himself to be a devious, social climber. Since he was a child, Blumenthal has dreamed of one day becoming the president and until he reaches his goal, he will take down anyone he has to to get there, so he must be stopped. This accusation Coulter makes is harsh, but even people who are a part of his ideological group believe he must also be stopped. The New York Times printed a front page article about Blumenthal when he lied about being in Vietnam.

As Attourney General of Connecticut, Blumenthal has spent millions of dollars of the taxpayers money to prosecute many innocent citizens. An example given is when he sued Gina Kold, the owner of Computer Plus Center, for allegedly overcharging the state of Connecticut for computers by $500,000. This accusation was absurd and he lost the case, but it ended up destroying Kold's business. Kold came back and sued the state for violating her constitutional rights and the jury decided in her favor rewarding her $18 million. Coulter's evidence is strong and supports her argument superbly. Even after the court decided in her favor, Blumenthal STILL could not back off, he kept trying to reverse the outcome and after much trying, he was able to reduce the damages paid to Kold by a small fraction. Do we really want a man like Blumenthal who will spend our money without any regard to the taxpayers best interests to be in any position on power? Honestly from what Coulter has said so far, I sure as hell don't want him!

Blumenthal is well-known in Connecticut because of his daily press releases announcing the new lawsuit of the day, not for his successes. He makes lawsuits over the most trivial and unimportant things and it is just a waste of the state's money. Competitive Enterprise Institute named him the "Worst Attorney General in the Country". How can you disagree with Coulter when that kind of evidence is given. Blumenthal has started various, absurd lawsuits, and here are a few of them. One, he sued power companies because they contributed to global warming, not even Obama or the Senate would pass it. And two, he sued gun companies for assisting in violent crimes involving guns by a third party. The first of these was ridiculous, but the second one is absolutely insane.

Coulter's argument to stop Blumenthal's rise to the Senate is valid and well-supported. She definitely won me over; this is definitely a topic that I want to do some more reading over and I recommend you to do the same by reading Coulter's blog,

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